Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wednesday Love

Who doesn't love Wednesdays? It's the middle of the week, Criminal Minds, SVU, CSI, AND Big Band Theory (every night) are on, AND it's chicken finger/wing wednesday at Mcleod. Wednesday rocks!

This Wednesday I'm really loving:

This job is not something I want to do forever but it's definitely something I want to hold on to for a good while. This job is super autonomous, which I love! I work so much better and faster when I can be left to make my own plan so this job is GREAT for me! The environment at McLeod is so great and there are SO many opportunities! I am so blessed to have a job and it be one that I actually enjoy! =)

He's really great. I am so ready for us to figure out what's going on with him. If you haven't been following our latest news I'll do a quick recap. For the past week or so he's been having a lot of abdominal pain. Tuesday night we went to the Urgent Care facility and the doctor suspected Gall Bladder Disease but did not have the tools necessary to diagnose him. SO....we went to the ER (yay!-not really). We spent 7 hours waiting and decided to leave when we found out we were STILL 7 or 8 people down on the list and all of those people had been waiting for at least 9 hours!!!! The next day we got hooked up with a fantastic surgeon here in town through a friend and he ordered the necessary tests. The ultrasound came back negative for gall stones so he is having a few more to try and see what else it could be. I'm so ready know what's going on and get him better!

My job requires a TON of running around! All day! Some days I feel like I've run a marathon when I get home. Luckily, I have my danskos! Without them, my feet would literally have fallen off by now. I wear them everyday and they are so so so good to me!


Monday, January 2, 2012

A new year with new opportunities =)

New Year's Resolution #1: Be a better blogger! I love blogging but I never force myself to allow time to do it! That's all going to change in 2012!

So here's what's been going on in the Clayton house for the past few months.

In September I got a job at Comprehensive Neurological Services here in Florence. I didn't love it but it was a JOB! I was so grateful that I would have done anything! I spent 3 months there and met some wonderful people! I was offered a job at a company called Carolina Medcare this month! I cannot express how excited I am about this new opportunity! I am going to be the McLeod hospital liaison and I start TODAY!!! Woo hoo! More details later! =)

In November we went to St. Augustine, FL for the first ever  Clayton Family Reunion! We had so much fun being tourists and exploring the city. We got to see all kinds of neat things like the Oldest Jail, the Fountain of Youth, the Oldest Schoolhouse, the lighthouse, and some really beautiful churches. We ate at some really delicious restaurants.  The Columbia was the absolute best and if I ever go back to St. Augustine we will be stopping there again!  This was my first time spending an extended amount of time with some of Paul's family and boy are they a HOOT! I loved every minute of it and can't wait to see them all again!!

December brought around CHRISTMAS! My absolute favorite time of the year! This Christmas was extra amazing because it was Paul and my first as "The Claytons." On December 23 we hung out in Florence since neither of us had to work and my parents came to visit.  When they arrived my sweet Wingo was so excited that he ran outside to greet them.  My mom bent down to pet him.  As she did this he lifted his head to give her a big sloppy kiss and instead his forehead collided with the bridge of her nose! Of course it broke, Wingo has an extremely hard head, and mom and I spent the rest of the afternoon in the urgent care.  Her eyes turned a little black and she was very sore but, luckily, no surgery is necessary! The next day we traveled to Aynor, SC to have Christmas with my side of the family!  We always have such a good time and such good food! Christmas day we spent with Paul's family and it was equally fun and delicious. Apart from the nose incident, this was one of the best Christmases I've ever had! =)

            My WREATH! I am oh so in love with this! It took forever to make but it was well worth it!        

Our Christmas Tree!!!! Also way way way in love with this! I can't wait to see what I can come up with next year =)

 Santa hat chex mix that I made to take to Christmas in Columbia! Super easy, fun, and surprisingly delicious =)

                                             Santa stand...apologies for the terrible picture =(

                                          Super fun button earrings! I've made a TON!                                          

                                          Cinnamon Roll Apple Pie!!!! AMAZING!
                                              This is a Better Than Sex Cake...deeeeeelicious!!!!

                                          At the Biltmore =)

                                My Gamecock wreath! The colors are way better in person...promise!

                                          My sweet sweet babies! They're so precious!

                                        BIG WINGO!

                                         Sweet Lucy =)

So add in some intense crafting (as you can see from the pictures), facebooking, tweeting, instagramming, work,  baking, cooking and love and that sums up the past few months!